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Friday Favorites (02)

Friday, August 31, 2012

[The two of us, pumped to be hanging out together last weekend. Follow along on Instagram @megan_flynn.]

This week was wonderful because on Wednesday I turned in the signed and approved copies of my thesis, thereby completing my master's program! And then yesterday I finished my first big assignment at work, and some really exciting things are going to come of that.

I also haven't mentioned yet that this weekend is sort of my birthday weekend, as I'll be turning 24 on Tuesday. So many things to celebrate! I'm starting by driving to Tysons Corner once again, spending time with Rob, having a nice dinner with my cousin and some friends on Saturday, and then Rob and I will head back to Roanoke together (!) to finish out Labor Day weekend.

Here are some of my favorite things from around the web this week:

I can't wait to read Blue Like Jazz. It's next on my list after Les Miserables.

This person's Elmo impression is just too good.

Love him or hate him, President Obama on Reddit was cool.

And while we're on Reddit, I loved the first comment by "CalicoFox" on why bacon isn't bad for your cholesterol.

Rob's mother just launched her new photography website and it looks awesome! She is so talented and her work is great.

How perfect are these gold triangle earrings?

Don't forget to enter this giveaway with Joelle if you're in the market for a new blog design!

And last but not least, my friend Jackie recently opened an online stationary shop and it is cu-ute! She actually sent me a letter on one of her cards this week and it is so beautiful.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend!


  1. I looove stationery. WILL be checking out your Friend's shop :) thanks for sharing!

  2. So many congratulations for your masters and work program! And the best wishes ever for your birthday! The weekend sounds fabulous! Enjoy!

  3. I got up at 5am today. SHould have texted you for a virtual workout. Happy weekend, love - I hope you have the perfect birthday!

  4. happy early birthday! we're driving down to Charlottesville from DC this evening, so I'll look out for you going the other way :)

    and CONGRATS on the thesis!

  5. happy early birthday! And congrats! Lots of good things happening for you!

  6. Oh, also- A Friend of mine recently read Blue Like Jazz- and from others, I've heard nothing but amazingness! Do a review when you're done :)
    Eat Cake

  7. Congrats on completing your masters program! WooHoo!

    Hope you have a great birthday weekend!


  8. Your weekend sounds like it's going to be great! Enjoy your time of celebrating and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

  9. Wow! The butterfly pic on Phyllis's website is breathtaking. Literally. Made me gasp when I saw it. Yes, those earrings are awesome. And huge. I wonder if it would feel like wearing an anchor on your head. Good thing they come as a pair, otherwise you might list to one side and walk in circles! I have Nonreligious Thoughts on Christian Spirituality. Never heard of Reddit, but I clicked on the link and went there. Too wordy. Needs pictures. I'll get back to it later. Thanks for broadening my horizons, though. Elmo is cute, but Cookie Monster is my favorite, because even though Melissa is 28 years old now,I can still hear "C is for cookie..." ringing in my ears from listening to that tape in the car every single day.

  10. Definitely checking out your friend's shop. :)
    Have a happy birthday and congratulations on everything with school and work!!

  11. P.S. Happy Birthday early.
    P.S.S. Congratulations on your Masters! Big! Huge! Awesome!


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