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A Drawing for the Distance

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

I'm excited to show you this custom piece that Kaitlyn of Purple Duck Handmade drew for me. She sent me the print in the mail last week and I can't wait to find the perfect frame for it. (Confession: I was totally inspired by Betsy's beautiful blog design before explaining to Kaitlyn what it was that I wanted.) She did it! It's simple and well-done and just beautiful. 

Thank you so much, Kaitlyn!


  1. Love this, so pretty!


  2. Still not a fan ofthe distance, but love that drawing! :) Remind me how long you guys are going to be where you are now...I can't remember!

  3. I have something similar mapping our moves around the world (Here and There Etsy Shop.)

  4. Super cute! I love it! Well planned and perfectly executed!

  5. This is so beautiful- I doodled a similar thing when I was in a long distance relationship, but this is so much prettier!! x

  6. Aw I love this! My husband and I were in a long-distance relationship for 4 years when we were dating. It was rough, but it seems like nothing now that it's over! Good luck with the distance!

  7. This is absolutely precious! I love it! I think I might make a version similar to this as a gift for a friend! :)


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