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Sponsored Post: BLISS and Tell

Friday, August 9, 2013

Since moving Minnesota, I've found time to recognize blissful moments every day. Waking up with Rob, the ritual of preparing my French press every morning, unpacking boxes to find framed treasures or a lost pair of shoes, going on a run. There's plenty of time to relax right now, and I'm taking advantage of it.

Recently neuro drinks conducted a study in which they found that 50 per cent of Americans spend at least half of their day stressed out. That's a lot of stress! In response, neuro is urging Americans to join a stress reduction movement with the launch of its BLISS and Tell campaign, which encourages consumers to take time to relax and share their blissful moments. (And when you enter the BLISS and Tell contest and weekly giveaway, you can win a $10K dream vacation!)

Neuro BLISS is light, fruity, not too sweet, and just barely carbonated. It's a pretty delightful little drink. They say it best themselves: "Specially formulated with ingredients like L-theanine, Phosphatidylserine and Chamomile, NeuroBliss can help you stay focused and feel good. And really, what's so wrong about feeling good?"

Use the coupon below to save $1 when you buy one for yourself.

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.


  1. I love Neuro stuff, the NeuroSleep is the only thing that can help me on the nights that I have insomnia!


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